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13. Molecular Vibration

(3) Molecular vibration : Andromeda's motion

As the Fractal Cosmology is based on an irresistible logic, we can apply it to any phenomenon in the universe as far as appropriate data are available.
Now, I'm going to introduce you one more case to confirm this new Cosmology.

A molecule normally consists of several atoms.
They are combined by mutual attraction in a molecular system.

Several or dozens of neighboring galaxies form a Group.
The force to make up such a system is the gravity of galaxies.

As the molecule corresponds to the Group of galaxies in the Fractal Cosmology, the cycles of some particular motion of the two systems can be anticipated to show the ratio of [1 : 10^30].

In the molecular system, atoms are vibrating to one another, and, at the same time, they are turning around the center of the whole molecular attraction.
The molecular vibrations take place typically 10^13 times per second, and, rotations 10^11 times per second.

These molecular motions vary, of course, to the kind or to the phase of the molecule, but we may regard the typical ones as valid enough to compare with some motions in the macro world, when considering the tenfold variation.

Then, the molecular vibration period becomes 10^-13 seconds, and, the molecular rotation period 10^-11 seconds.

When comparing the two molecular motions, you may note the fact that vibrations are taking place faster than rotations by 100 times.
Atoms turn once around the center of the whole attraction while they vibrate 100 times.

So to speak, they move around little by little in their orbits every time they vibrate.
They will complete one time revolution after having vibrated 100 times.
Thus, if you could watch the molecular motions with the naked eye, you might notice only vibrations to be outstanding.

Groups of galaxies are so far away from us that it's impossible to measure the mutual motions of galaxies belonged to a Group.

The only Group, from which we can obtain any valid data, would be the Local Group which Our Galaxy belongs to.
Since the Local Group is not a peculiar Group in the Cosmos, we may regard its motions as standard.

Galaxies in the Group system are revolving around the center of the whole gravity.
The Andromeda galaxy located at the opposite side from Our Galaxy in the Local Group, is nearing us at a speed of 50 km/sec.
Astronomers interpret this as the revolution motion of the Andromeda galaxy.

In a fractal structure of the universe, the Group of galxies corresponds to the molecule.
Accordingly, galaxies in a Group system should be not only revolving but also vibrating as atoms are doing in a molecular system.

In such a case, vibrations of galaxies will take place faster than revolutions by 100 times.
So, the galactic momentums, which we can measure, must be mostly out of the vibration motion.

Consequently, we may regard the approaching speed of the Andromeda galaxy as its vibrating speed.

Our Galaxy and the Andromeda galaxy are the central ones at either end of the Local Group.
The fact that the Andromeda galaxy is approaching toward Our Galaxy may implicate that the latter is also approaching toward the former.
Therefore, the Andromeda galaxy will come nearly to the center of the Local Group and go back to the present position to finish a vibration.

As the distance between these two galaxies is about 2.5 million light-years, the travelling distance of the Andromeda galaxy during its one time vibration will make also about 2.5 million light-years.

Now, we can figure out the vibration period of the Local Group from dividing 2.5 million light-years by 50 km/sec.

2.5 million light-years÷50 km/sec
= (2,500,000×365×24×60×60×300,000 km) ÷ 50 km/sec
= 4.73×10^17 seconds

∴ Molecular vibration period : Local Group's vibration period
= 10^-13 second : 4.73×10^17 seconds
= 1 : 4.73×10^30

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